The machining process and results depend on:
• cutting conditions, i.e. factors linked to the machine tool, tool or workpiece;
• cutting parameters:
• geometric, related to the tooth geometry of the tool and the cross-section of the cutting layer
• and the technologies to which it belongs:
D – Diameter
Vc – Cutting speed
Vf – Feed rate
ap – Layer height
z – Number of teeth
n – Turnover
fz – Tooth feed
f – Feed rate
t – Wave height
a – Angle of application
Y – Angle of attack
Vc = (π * D * n) / (1000 * 60) – Cutting speed
n = Vc / (π * D * 1000 * 60) – RPM
Vf = fz * n * z / 1000 – Feed rate
f = Vf / n * 1000 – Feed rate
fz = Vf / (n * z * 1000)
t = fz2/(4*D)